
Coltrix® CartiRegen tissue supplement

Collagen-based tissue supplement that promotes joint cartilage regeneration. Helps stimulate synthesis Collagen-based tissue supplement that helps regenerate articular cartilage. Helps stimulate the synthesis of collagen. collagen. Provides optimal biological material for use as a barrier membrane.

Resists non-specific proteolytic degradation, provides a protective environment for cell differentiation. Resists non-specific proteolytic degradation, provides a protective environment for cell differentiation.
Activates platelets to secrete growth factors FGF, EGF, VEGF, TGF-β. It works at the molecular level with metabolic processes of cartilage and stimulates its regeneration.

It is applied percutaneously, using an arthroscopic method after microfracturing. It can be used in combination with tissue adhesive.

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